Find Thy Way is a top-down dungeon puzzle created as a submission for MiniJam 110.

You play as a mage undergoing his last trial, the endless maze, your only option is to explore and place beacons until you find the exit.

Gameplay Video:

How to play:

Moving around consumes energy, and placing beacons consumes a lot of energy (depends on difficulty chosen), your goal to reach the exit before your energy runs out, if it does run out, you will be transported to the start of the maze and lose one life, but your beacons will remain so use them to  navigate in the best way possible, finally, if you run out of lives, you will have to restart the whole level and you will lose all placed beacons.

Jam Theme: Sacrifice - The player uses the same energy for walking or placing beacons, that puts them in a situation where they have to sacrifice a life or two just placing beacons, so in the following try they can win the game.

Jam Limitation: Failure is inevitable - I made it necessary for the player to lose a few times prior to finding the exit,  they have to sacrifice their energy in the first few runs in order to place beacons, until ultimately they can use those beacons to reach the exit.


- Use arrow keys or W A S D to move

- Press "B" to create a beacon

- Click on any beacon color/type to use it when placing one


I confirm that I have the right to use all the assets in the game, all code was fully written by myself, below is the required attribution for assets requiring so:

1.  Map tiles (Rogue Fantasy Catacombs by Szadi Art):

2. Mage character (16x16 Mage by saint11):

3. Font (Press Start 2P from Google Fonts):

4. UI Click (Sci-fi schwop by Arthur):

5. Beacon Placement sound (3 Heal Spells by DoKashiteru):

6.  Main Menu Music (No More Magic by HorrorPen):

7. Level Music (Mystery Forest by Alexandr Zhelanov):

8. Loss sound (Death Bell by Specter5053/Ulrich Metzner):

9. Footsteps sound (Rock Walk Step Sound by Blender Foundation/Lamoot):

10. Win sound (Percussion choir final 01 by klankbeeld):

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